The effect of the fourth dimension in a three dimensional space

My assumption about the existence of the fourth physical dimension

There are several physical dimensions beyond the three known in our universe?In Einstein’s relativity, one often meets with space and time, within the theory, all this is melted in a single set called space-time. And ‘here that for the first time takes shape the possibility that we actually live in a world in 4 dimensions of which three physical and one time, and it is here that the four-dimensional coordinates take shape for the first time

When we want to find an object on our planet like a ship on the ocean or location, we rely on a system of two-dimensional coordinates, such as latitude and longitude, treating our world as a universe just two dimensions, it searches this type occur through charts, world maps or globes.

When on the other hand we are given an appointment, we use a 4-dimensional coordinate system (like GPS) we move in three-dimensional space and one of time, let’s think …

If a company would set me a job interview, it will provide me with the following coordinates, first place, and then the street with the house number (here we already have two spatial coordinates) next coordinates that will be provided to me will be the location office or the plan (the third coordinate the height); Finally I receive the fourth coordinate that is the time (a coordinated time-like). As you see all of us often use the four dimensions without us being aware of it.

But what is indeed the time? Because ‘we perceive it at different times past, present and future? Time is an illusion?

the time is everywhere, all our visible universe, and steeped in time, there is a place where it will not show its presence, except for the fact blacks holes or the singularity of creation, of this speech I will be back later.

It thinks that time flows only in the macro universe, but it is not so, even within the quantum world time flows, beyond the Planck length, however, it is behaving erratically outside the box to which we are accustomed. At this extreme measure scale, everything changes could happen that the spatial dimensions of three become four; this fourth spatial dimension, could be defined of infinite length resulting from the rotation of the coordinated time on its own axis, this rotation is called rotation of Wick. But how does all this? It might be possible that quantum fluctuations of the field of strings, applied enormous existing curvature at the Planck time, makes unstable the temporal direction by making oscillate on itself in a new direction, a fifth dimension. The size of the Planck wall could happen very strange things, it is possible that those distances occurring fluctuations on signatura metric, in the world of Planck, the metric measurement between two points is not fixed, or if on this scale we tried to reach a certain place, this would approach or alienate at random. Let us assume that you want to try to determine your height, this could go from 1.80 mt to 12 mt and then move to 2 cm, we would be pulled like a rubber band.

If below the planck metrics wall floats, then it might also do the signatura, if that were true, you would think that time is not fixed but moving or fluctuating and the real-time as we know it could become ‘imaginary’.

Let’s take an example, observing an hourglass in the correct way, we will see it off of the sand down as the flow of real time, now if we rotate the hourglass of 90 ° around its axis, when it reaches the horizontal position, the sand in its internal no longer flows and real-time becomes imaginary.

From this it may be understood that the direction of the imaginary time is analogous to the three directions of space.

In the case of these quantum fluctuations, the time is transformed into space before change again in the dimension of time, if we take into account our hourglass, we will see that, when it is in a horizontal position, it no longer contains the time (in fact the sand no longer flows) but immobile space and measurable.

In these conditions it can represent time as a straight line, in its time also the space and imaginary time are represented by a straight line entirely similar.

In this case the ‘-‘ sign that is usually found in the time coordinate, is transformed into ‘+’. The signatura then takes the Euclidean form characterized by four dimensions of space (++++). In mathematical language, the symmetry of the spatial dimensions is decrypts with So (3), or an orthogonal symmetry of size 3, adding time to our ordinary three-dimensional space it has one more dimension, ie a dimension space-time that is described with the symbols I know (3.1).

The size of Planck the symmetry group does not make any difference between space and time, in this way we are in a Euclidean space, symmetry extent we find the symbolism So (4) where 4 indicates the four directions of space. Here we realize that at the Planck size, there is a quantum deformation of signatura Lorenzian. If you rely on this, we note that at the Planck scale natural signature is possible that Lorenzian (+++ -) and the Euclidean (++++), this also shows that the signatura does not fluctuate in any way as demonstrated from the mathematical Dimitri Gourevich, his calculations showed that a signatura different from those indicated for example (++ -) is not possible.

To recap the reasoning carried out to here, you note that:
1) The space-time at the Planck scale is ‘deformed’ by quantum fluctuations of strings.
2) The main feature of this space-time, ie the metric, is deformed and floats.
3) If the metric fluctuates then its main property (the so-called signatura distinguishes space from time) must necessarily fluctuate in turn.
We can not directly see the fourth physical dimension, but we are constantly influenced and that is what we call time.

We admit, that there is a two-dimensional universe, Flatland model (we are more than confident that that kind of universe does not exist and a short I will explain why), in such a universe, the inhabitants know only three dimensions, two spatial and one time, I too ‘they possess a knowledge of time similar to ours, as even in their universe there is a past, a present and a future, we admit that one day, a being the third face visit dimension to the strange universe and intrigued by the beings that inhabit it decides to make contact, but what would see the inhabitant of Flatland?

As stated above in this universe flat two-dimensional, its inhabitants can only move forward and backward, right to left, but do not know the size up and down. One day two men begin to argue among themselves about a possible new dimension, Mr. Triangle “a scientist” told Mr. square .. Sa during new studies, I think I have discovered the existence of a new dimension, which I have called up and down, … Mr. square answered … But do me a pleasure, a new dimension, if that were not think that we’ll be already noticed? And where would this new dimension, knows if I did not know I would say that she had a little ‘more than usual … Mr. square patted him on the shoulders of Professor triangle and went.
In a pub Mr. filming the speech square with some of his acquaintances when he heard from Professor triangle, and friends the unclenched .. we do not think, is let’s have another drink.

Back home Mr. square continued to mull over the walls of the house on the discovery of Professor triangle, when suddenly a voice was heard throughout the room and pervaded his body “Good morning” said this voice. Mr. square turned but saw no one, he thought he had been drinking a little too much, did not have time to think that once again the voice came again … “I said Good morning” … Mr. square turned again to see if there was someone , but saw no one, and then began to think that this whole story a new dimension he was doing crazy. being three-dimensional non degrees the idea of having entered a abstractionism, and then without great compliments took Mr. square from underneath and lifted him. Mr. square of a sudden he found himself watching the inside of his house but also not only those of their friends, wondering what was happening, or if he was only dreaming. Then again he heard that strange voice telling her .. this is not a dream, welcome to the third dimension; When Mr. Square calmed down, being three-dimensional set it back within its walls … Mr. square was confused and did not understand at that point being decided to show three-dimensional (three-dimensional being is a sphere)

(Taken from Cosmos by Carl Sagan)

But what actually saw Mr. square who lived in a two-dimensional universe?

A dimensional being in a flat world exists only in part of it is visible only a section that passes through it, his insight. When a dimensional being touches the ground of a flat world, you see him only point of contact with the ground, gradually that the ball slides over the floor I see constantly conjure the figures.

If we wanted to represent the fourth dimension of space, we should start to consider a cube. We can imagine the form it as follows:

We take a straight line segment and raise perpendicularly to a length equal to itself, in this case we will form a square, the square now move perpendicularly to the same length, in this way we will have a cube, as the latter is a natural form shadow that is a flat shape in two dimensions. We quickly realize that the shadow of a three-dimensional object, the third dimension can not be fully represented in its projection in two dimensions. This is part of the price you pay for the loss of a dimension. Now we continue our cube that is an object of the third dimension, and we deliver it in the fourth physical dimension, ie at right angles to the three dimensions, you can not know what is the direction, but imagine that there is a fourth physical dimension. In this case, we could generate a four-dimensional hypercube called tesseract

straight line cube hypercube

We can not see the tesseract because we are prisoners of three dimensions, but we can see the shadow in three dimensions of a hypercube in four dimensions. The shade is formed by two concentric cubes with all vertices joined by lines. Ce to say that the true rationed to four dimensions would all sides of equal length and all right angles. Although we can not imagine a four-dimensional world, we may think that there is no difficulty.

Now imagine the universe exactly like the flat country, in two dimensions. It ‘absolutely flat in some direction. And, without the knowledge of its inhabitants this two-dimensional universe is curved into a third physical dimension, perhaps in a sphere. But it is something totally outside of their knowledge

Locally, this universe looks flat, no doubt, but if one of his dishes inhabitants do a nice walk along what looks like a straight line will end up discovering a great mystery. Suppose to fix its starting point and that at this point move to the exploration of his universe. Not much back and never meets a limit: he does not know that his apparently flat universe, in fact, is curved. Because it could be curved? Because in this universe there is so much material to bend the space closing in on itself, but they are things that our being flat does not know. After walking for a long time, you will discover to be back to square one; must exist a third dimension. Our lie flat can not conceive of a third dimension, but it can get there by inference. Now, increased by one all the dimensions of this story and you have the situation similar to what many cosmologists argue that it can be applied to us. We are three-dimensional beings and we see our universe as a flattened in three dimensions, but it may be curved in a fourth.

We can talk about a fourth physical dimension, but we can not experience it, no one can point us in the fourth dimension. Now imagine that there are multiple universes, and that they exist through different dimensions. Each universe is “influenced” only by size on top and not by a whole. For example, the inhabitants of Flatland perceive the third dimension as a time but they can never perceive the fourth physical dimension which is the prerogative of a universe in three dimensions. We dimensional esserei we could never perceive the fifth dimension, this would be the prerogative of the fourth and so on.

On the other hand any higher dimension can view the smaller, the better to explain in a two-dimensional universe we three-dimensional beings we like, that is omnipresent and omniscient, this also applies to a being of the fourth dimension, every dimensional ultra could visualize what it happens in a lower universe but could not interact with it.

Even in our universe what we call time is the perception of the fourth dimension in a three-dimensional universe. Returning to the question made earlier, what is time, we can say that it is the interaction of the fourth dimension on our universe, or a three-dimensional projection of the fourth dimension in rotation around a three-dimensional plan of the universe, this rotation creates the oscillations that we call past, present and future, and not only that but

4 dimensione

three-dimensional projection of the fourth dimension in rotation about a plan of the universe

Remains in agreement with the Einstein’s postulates of relative time in the Lorentz equations:

X’= (x – vt) /Ö (1 –v2 /c2)
Y’ = y
Z’ = z
T’ = t – X/c2 /Ö (1 –v2 /c2)

Back to the subject left on because time seems to stand inside a black hole, time stops in a black hole because of the enormous gravitational force causing the fourth dimension reversals on itself and not to ‘ interior of a three dimensional space. Some physicists believe that the time is a mere imagination or invention of our brain, but whether it actually was the interaction of the fourth dimension it would be real in every respect

Pubblicato da appuntidiadam

Sistemista informatico, e grande appasionato di astronomia e fisica, ricercatore indipendente in cosmologia

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